Blazorise Markdown component

The Markdown component allows you to edit markdown strings.

The Blazorise Markdown is based on the Easy MarkDown Editor JavaScript library.



Install extension from NuGet.
Install-Package Blazorise.Markdown


In your main _Imports.razor add:
@using Blazorise.Markdown


<Markdown Value="@markdownValue" ValueChanged="@OnMarkdownValueChanged" />
    string markdownValue = "# EasyMDE \n Go ahead, play around with the editor! Be sure to check out **bold**, *italic*, [links]( and all the other features. You can type the Markdown syntax, use the toolbar, or use shortcuts like `ctrl-b` or `cmd-b`.";

    string markdownHtml;

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        markdownHtml = Markdig.Markdown.ToHtml( markdownValue ?? string.Empty );


    Task OnMarkdownValueChanged( string value )
        markdownValue = value;

        markdownHtml = Markdig.Markdown.ToHtml( markdownValue ?? string.Empty );

        return Task.CompletedTask;

Toolbar customization

The editor's toolbar can be edited to show more icons and even add custom icons!
<Markdown @bind-Value="@markdownValue" CustomButtonClicked="@OnCustomButtonClicked">
        <MarkdownToolbarButton Action="MarkdownAction.Bold" Icon="fa fa-bolt" Title="Bold" />
        <MarkdownToolbarButton Separator Name="Custom button" Value="@("hello")" Icon="fa fa-star" Title="A Custom Button" Text="My Custom Button" />
        <MarkdownToolbarButton Separator Name="" Icon="fa fab fa-github" Title="A Custom Link" />
@code {
    [Inject] private INotificationService NotificationService { get; set; }

    string markdownValue = "## Custom Toolbar\nCustom functions, icons and buttons can be defined for the toolbar.";

    Task OnCustomButtonClicked( MarkdownButtonEventArgs eventArgs )
        NotificationService.Info( $"Name: {eventArgs.Name} Value: {eventArgs.Value}" );

        return Task.CompletedTask;

Upload image

Uploading image has a similar API to our FileEdit component and it is fairly simple to do.
<Markdown ImageUploadChanged="@OnImageUploadChanged"
          ImageUploadEnded="@OnImageUploadEnded" />
@code {
    async Task OnImageUploadChanged( FileChangedEventArgs e )
            foreach ( var file in e.Files )
                using ( var stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream() )
                    await file.WriteToStreamAsync( stream );

                    // do something with the stream
        catch ( Exception exc )
            Console.WriteLine( exc.Message );

    Task OnImageUploadStarted( FileStartedEventArgs e )
        Console.WriteLine( $"Started Image: {e.File.Name}" );

        return Task.CompletedTask;

    Task OnImageUploadProgressed( FileProgressedEventArgs e )
        Console.WriteLine( $"Image: {e.File.Name} Progress: {(int)e.Percentage}" );

        return Task.CompletedTask;

    Task OnImageUploadEnded( FileEndedEventArgs e )
        // We need to report back to Markdown that upload is done. We do this by setting the UploadUrl.
        // NOTE: Since we're faking the upload in this demo we will just set some dummy UploadUrl.
        e.File.UploadUrl = "";

        Console.WriteLine( $"Finished Image: {e.File.Name}, Success: {e.Success}" );

        return Task.CompletedTask;

Change Shortcuts

EasyMDE comes with an array of predefined keyboard shortcuts, but they can be altered with a configuration option.
<Markdown Shortcuts="@(new MarkdownShortcuts{ CleanBlock = null, ToggleCodeBlock = "Cmd+E" })" />

Custom Preview Render

Sometimes you don't want to render preview with the built-in parser. In those situations you can make use of PreviewRender callback to override the preview HTML.
<Markdown Value="@markdownValue" ValueChanged="@OnMarkdownValueChanged" PreviewRender="@PreviewRender" />
@code {
    string markdownValue = "# EasyMDE \n Go ahead, play around with the editor! Be sure to check out **bold**, *italic*, [links]( and all the other features. You can type the Markdown syntax, use the toolbar, or use shortcuts like `ctrl-b` or `cmd-b`.";

    Task OnMarkdownValueChanged( string value )
        markdownValue = value;

        return Task.CompletedTask;

    protected Task<string> PreviewRender( string plainText )
        return Task.FromResult( Markdig.Markdown.ToHtml( markdownValue ?? string.Empty ) );



Name Description Type Default
Value Gets or sets the markdown value. string null
ValueChanged An event that occurs after the markdown value has changed. EventCallback<string> Solid
AutoDownloadFontAwesome If set to true, force downloads Font Awesome (used for icons). If set to false, prevents downloading. bool? null
LineNumbers If set to true, enables line numbers in the editor. bool false
LineWrapping If set to false, disable line wrapping. Defaults to true. bool false
MinHeight Sets the minimum height for the composition area, before it starts auto-growing. Should be a string containing a valid CSS value like "500px". Defaults to "300px". string 300px
MaxHeight Sets fixed height for the composition area. minHeight option will be ignored. Should be a string containing a valid CSS value like "500px". Defaults to undefined. string
Placeholder If set, displays a custom placeholder message. string null
TabSize If set, customize the tab size. Defaults to 2. int 2
Theme Override the theme. Defaults to easymde. string easymde
Direction rtl or ltr. Changes text direction to support right-to-left languages. Defaults to ltr. string ltr
HideIcons An array of icon names to hide. Can be used to hide specific icons shown by default without completely customizing the toolbar. string[] 'side-by-side', 'fullscreen'
ShowIcons An array of icon names to show. Can be used to show specific icons hidden by default without completely customizing the toolbar. string[] 'code', 'table'
Toolbar [Optional] Gets or sets the content of the toolbar. RenderFragment
ToolbarTips If set to false, disable toolbar button tips. Defaults to true. bool true
ToolbarButtonClassPrefix Adds a prefix to the toolbar button classes when set. For example, a value of "mde" results in "mde-bold" for the Bold button. string mde
CustomButtonClicked Occurs after the custom toolbar button is clicked. EventCallback<MarkdownButtonEventArgs>
UploadImage If set to true, enables the image upload functionality, which can be triggered by drag-drop, copy-paste and through the browse-file window (opened when the user click on the upload-image icon). Defaults to true. bool true
MaxUploadImageChunkSize Gets or sets the max chunk size when uploading the file. long 20 * 1024
SegmentFetchTimeout Gets or sets the Segment Fetch Timeout when uploading the file. TimeSpan 1 min
ImageMaxSize Maximum image size in bytes, checked before upload (note: never trust client, always check image size at server-side). Defaults to 1024*1024*2 (2Mb). long 1024*1024*2 (2Mb)
ImageAccept A comma-separated list of mime-types used to check image type before upload (note: never trust client, always check file types at server-side). Defaults to image/png, image/jpeg. string image/png, image/jpeg
ImageUploadEndpoint The endpoint where the images data will be sent, via an asynchronous POST request. The server is supposed to save this image, and return a json response. string
ImagePathAbsolute If set to true, will treat imageUrl from imageUploadFunction and filePath returned from imageUploadEndpoint as an absolute rather than relative path, i.e. not prepend window.location.origin to it. string
ImageCSRFToken CSRF token to include with AJAX call to upload image. For instance used with Django backend. string
ImageTexts Texts displayed to the user (mainly on the status bar) for the import image feature, where #image_name#, #image_size# and #image_max_size# will replaced by their respective values, that can be used for customization or internationalization. MarkdownImageTexts null
ImageUploadChanged Occurs every time the selected image has changed. Func<FileChangedEventArgs, Task>
ImageUploadStarted Occurs when an individual image upload has started. Func<FileStartedEventArgs, Task>
ImageUploadEnded Occurs when an individual image upload has ended. Func<FileEndedEventArgs, Task>
ImageUploadWritten Occurs every time the part of image has being written to the destination stream. Func<FileWrittenEventArgs, Task>
ImageUploadProgressed Notifies the progress of image being written to the destination stream. Func<FileProgressedEventArgs, Task>
ErrorMessages Errors displayed to the user, using the errorCallback option, where #image_name#, #image_size# and #image_max_size# will replaced by their respective values, that can be used for customization or internationalization. MarkdownErrorMessages
ErrorCallback A callback function used to define how to display an error message. Defaults to (errorMessage) => alert(errorMessage). Func<string, Task>
Autofocus If set to true, focuses the editor automatically. Defaults to false. bool false
AutoRefresh Useful, when initializing the editor in a hidden DOM node. If set to { delay: 300 }, it will check every 300 ms if the editor is visible and if positive, call CodeMirror's refresh(). MarkdownAutoRefresh
Autosave Saves the text that's being written and will load it back in the future. It will forget the text when the form it's contained in is submitted. MarkdownAutosave
BlockStyles Customize how certain buttons that style blocks of text behave. MarkdownBlockStyles
ForceSync If set to true, force text changes made in EasyMDE to be immediately stored in original text area. Defaults to false. bool false
IndentWithTabs If set to false, indent using spaces instead of tabs. Defaults to true. bool true
InputStyle textarea or contenteditable. Defaults to textarea for desktop and contenteditable for mobile. contenteditable option is necessary to enable nativeSpellcheck. string null
InsertTexts Customize how certain buttons that insert text behave. Takes an array with two elements. The first element will be the text inserted before the cursor or highlight, and the second element will be inserted after. For example, this is the default link value: ["[", "](http://)"]. MarkdownInsertTexts
NativeSpellcheck If set to false, disable native spell checker. Defaults to true. bool true
ParsingConfig Adjust settings for parsing the Markdown during editing (not previewing). MarkdownParsingConfig
PreviewClass A space-separated string that will be applied to the preview screen when activated. Defaults to "editor-preview". string editor-preview
PreviewImagesInEditor EasyMDE will show preview of images, false by default, preview for images will appear only for images on separate lines. bool false
PromptTexts Customize the text used to prompt for URLs. MarkdownPromptTexts
PromptURLs If set to true, a JS alert window appears asking for the link or image URL. Defaults to false. bool false
RenderingConfig Adjust settings for parsing the Markdown during previewing (not editing). MarkdownRenderingConfig
ScrollbarStyle Chooses a scrollbar implementation. The default is "native", showing native scrollbars. The core library also provides the "null" style, which completely hides the scrollbars. Addons can implement additional scrollbar models. string native
Shortcuts Keyboard shortcuts associated with this instance. Defaults to the array of shortcuts. MarkdownShortcuts
SideBySideFullscreen If set to false, allows side-by-side editing without going into fullscreen. Defaults to false. bool false
SpellChecker If set to false, disable the spell checker. Defaults to true bool true
Status If set to empty array, hide the status bar. Defaults to the array of built-in status bar items. Optionally, you can set an array of status bar items to include, and in what order. string[] null
StyleSelectedText If set to false, remove the CodeMirror-selectedtext class from selected lines. Defaults to true. bool true
SyncSideBySidePreviewScroll If set to false, disable syncing scroll in side by side mode. Defaults to true. bool true
UnorderedListStyle can be *, - or +. Defaults to *. string *
DisableProgressReport Gets or sets whether report progress should be disabled. By enabling this setting, ImageUploadProgressed and ImageUploadWritten callbacks won't be called. Internal file progress won't be tracked. This setting can speed up file transfer considerably. bool false
PreviewRender Custom function for parsing the plaintext Markdown and returning HTML. Used when user previews. Func<string, Task<string>> null
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