Blazorise DataGrid: Resizing

Adjust the width of columns in the DataGrid to better fit the data.


With the resizable column feature, users can easily adjust the width of columns in the DataGrid to better fit the data they are viewing. This can be particularly useful when working with large sets of data, where some columns may have longer or shorter data than others. By allowing users to resize columns, they can more easily read and understand the data in the grid.



The resizable column feature is easy to enable in the Blazorise DataGrid. Just define the Resizable and ResizeMode parameters.
#First NameLast NameEmailSalary
1SamuelCollierSamuel.Collier62@gmail.com86 030,41 €
2IrvinZiemannIrvin.Ziemann@gmail.com61 781,31 €
3GeraldPollichGerald82@yahoo.com58 810,75 €
4CoraConnCora27@yahoo.com84 414,66 €
5AlfonsoD'AmoreAlfonso.DAmore@hotmail.com69 318,29 €
6JessieWilkinsonJessie_Wilkinson@gmail.com78 566,12 €
7GregoryRennerGregory63@hotmail.com57 456,82 €
8MaryannHilpertMaryann.Hilpert12@gmail.com89 153,38 €
9MerlePacochaMerle3@gmail.com55 349,94 €
10AngelinaWardAngelina42@gmail.com73 625,86 €
        Resize Mode
        <Select @bind-SelectedValue="@resizeMode">
            <SelectItem Value="TableResizeMode.Header">Header</SelectItem>
            <SelectItem Value="TableResizeMode.Columns">Columns</SelectItem>

<DataGrid TItem="Employee"
    <DataGridCommandColumn />
    <DataGridColumn Field="@nameof(Employee.Id)" Caption="#" Sortable="false" />
    <DataGridColumn Field="@nameof(Employee.FirstName)" Caption="First Name" Editable />
    <DataGridColumn Field="@nameof(Employee.LastName)" Caption="Last Name" Editable />
    <DataGridColumn Field="@nameof(Employee.Email)" Caption="Email" Editable />
    <DataGridColumn Field="@nameof(Employee.Salary)" Caption="Salary" DisplayFormat="{0:C}" DisplayFormatProvider="@System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("fr-FR")" Editable>
            <NumericEdit TValue="decimal" Value="@((decimal)context.CellValue)" ValueChanged="@( v => context.CellValue = v)" />
@code {
    public EmployeeData EmployeeData { get; set; }
    private List<Employee> employeeList;
    private Employee selectedEmployee;
    private TableResizeMode resizeMode = TableResizeMode.Header;

    protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
        employeeList = await EmployeeData.GetDataAsync();
        await base.OnInitializedAsync();
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