Blazorise Grid system

A simple way to build responsive columns.

Blazorise comes with a 12 point grid system built using flexbox. The grid is used to create specific layouts within an application’s content. It contains 5 types of media breakpoints that are used for targeting specific screen sizes or orientations, xs, sm, md, lg and xl.


Rows & Columns

As the grid can be divided into 12 columns, there are size classes for each division. These can be set using ColumnSize followed by .Is1 -> .Is12.
    <Column ColumnSize="ColumnSize.Is12">
        <Alert Color="Color.Primary" Visible>
    <Column ColumnSize="ColumnSize.Is8">
        <Alert Color="Color.Primary" Visible>
    <Column ColumnSize="ColumnSize.Is4">
        <Alert Color="Color.Secondary" Visible>


Move columns to the right using .WithOffset attribute.
    <Column ColumnSize="ColumnSize.Is4">
        <Alert Color="Color.Primary" Visible>
    <Column ColumnSize="ColumnSize.Is4.WithOffset">
        <Alert Color="Color.Primary" Visible>
    <Column ColumnSize="ColumnSize.Is3.Is3.WithOffset">
        <Alert Color="Color.Primary" Visible>
    <Column ColumnSize="ColumnSize.Is3.Is3.WithOffset">
        <Alert Color="Color.Primary" Visible>


Gutter can be used to set small spacing between Columns within a Row, without breaking the Grid wrapping rules (this is done by offsetting margins).

You can use it by setting the Gutter attribute on the Row. The Columns will automatically inherit this sapcing and apply it.

Gutter is a tuple, which is (int Horizontal, int Vertical) based off pixel spacing.

In this example, each Column will get 16px of padding left and right, as well as 8px of padding top and bottom. The Row will offset the margin accordingly.
<Row HorizontalGutter="32" VerticalGutter="16">
    <Column ColumnSize="ColumnSize.Is8">
        <Alert Color="Color.Primary" Visible>
            I have padding
    <Column ColumnSize="ColumnSize.Is4">
        <Alert Color="Color.Secondary" Visible>
            I also have padding


Containers can be used as an easy and helpful way to display content with some default padding and margins for a clean UI.


This container will be centered on desktop.
    <Alert Color="Color.Primary" Visible>
        Suspendisse vel quam malesuada, aliquet sem sit amet, fringilla elit. Morbi tempor tincidunt tempor. Etiam id turpis viverra, vulputate sapien nec, varius sem. Curabitur ullamcorper fringilla eleifend. In ut eros hendrerit est consequat posuere et at velit.

Fluid Container

If you don’t want to have a maximum width but want to keep the some margin on the left and right sides, add the Fluid modifier:
<Container Fluid>
    <Alert Color="Color.Primary" Visible>
        Suspendisse vel quam malesuada, aliquet sem sit amet, fringilla elit. Morbi tempor tincidunt tempor. Etiam id turpis viverra, vulputate sapien nec, varius sem. Curabitur ullamcorper fringilla eleifend. In ut eros hendrerit est consequat posuere et at velit.


Responsive containers allow you to specify a class that is 100% wide until the specified breakpoint is reached, after which we apply max-widths for each of the higher breakpoints. For example, Breakpoint.Tablet is 100% wide to start until the Tablet breakpoint is reached, where it will scale up with Desktop, Widescreen, and FullHD.
<Container Breakpoint="Breakpoint.Tablet">
    <Alert Color="Color.Primary" Visible>
        100% wide until tablet breakpoint
<Container Breakpoint="Breakpoint.Desktop">
    <Alert Color="Color.Primary" Visible>
        100% wide until desktop breakpoint
<Container Breakpoint="Breakpoint.Widescreen">
    <Alert Color="Color.Primary" Visible>
        100% wide until widescreen breakpoint
<Container Breakpoint="Breakpoint.FullHD">
    <Alert Color="Color.Primary" Visible>
        100% wide until full-hd breakpoint




Name Description Type Default
Gutter Row grid spacing - we recommend setting Horizontal and/or Vertical it to (16 + 8n). (n stands for natural number.) (int, int) null


Name Description Type Default
Gutter Column grid spacing, we recommend setting it to (16 + 8n). (n stands for natural number.) (int, int) null


Name Description Type Default
Breakpoint Makes a full width container that is 100% wide until the specified breakpoint is reached. Breakpoint None
Fluid Makes a full width container, spanning the entire width of the viewport. bool false
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